Conversations with Kate: Inspire Inclusion, Join the Conversation
8:00 AM08:00

Conversations with Kate: Inspire Inclusion, Join the Conversation

Embracing Seva’s commitment to 'inspiring inclusion, four remarkable women leaders and mentors engaged with Kate Moynihan in invigorating conversations.

  • Sunita Arora supported more than 1500 women as they jump-started their careers in eye care. 

  • Sangeeta Patil started as an Executive Assistant at our partner hospital, H.V. Desai, in India and manages all data and records. 

  • Ms. Yogita, an optometrist, previously served as a trainer with the Eye Mitra team. Her contributions have played a crucial role in the remarkable expansion of the Allied Ophthalmic Personnel program in Saharanpur, India. 

  • Christina Alfaro - with 15 years at the hospital Divino Niño Jesus in Lima, Peru, she began as a nursing technician. Through her perseverance and leadership, she became part of the surgical team, and today, she is the Coordinator of the Vision Centers of Divino Niño Jesus.

Each of these extraordinary women received Seva-supported training and are highly respected, in-demand eye care leaders today. 

Click here to watch the latest session: Inspiring Inclusion.

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Eyes on the World
7:00 PM19:00

Eyes on the World

Seva’s Eyes of the World event marked the 40th anniversary of the Nepal Blindness Survey. This seminal research proved cataracts as the leading cause of blindness, and four decades later, we made history once again: we released a new report in the WHO Bulletin that proves every $1 invested in eye health results in $36 benefits across society. 

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Conversations with Kate  Seva's homecoming: It all began in Nepal
5:00 PM17:00

Conversations with Kate Seva's homecoming: It all began in Nepal

Seva continues to make enormous strides in bringing vital eye care to the doorsteps of Nepali communities. To spearhead the next chapter of our impact in this region, we recently welcomed our new Country Director Dr. Binita Sharma.

I invite you to meet her! Please join this special Conversations with Kate on 3-30-23 that we are calling: It All Began in Nepal. Click here to Register.

Register today to attend live on
March 30 at 5 PM PT (8 PM ET) and/or
watch the recording at your convenience.

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3:30 PM15:30


Seva hosted a special Solstice Edition of Conversations with Kate. Author, Buddhist practitioner, and founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Jack Kornfield, as well as Dharma teacher and founder of Insight LA, Trudy Goodman, joined Kate in a conversation around spirituality, mindfulness, and the spirit of compassion. Both of these remarkable individuals were students of Seva Co-Founder Ram Dass’s teachings and longtime members of our Seva family. Watch the recording here.

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William Wolk Painting Auction
12:30 PM12:30

William Wolk Painting Auction

Art enables us to see the world through a new lens and make a difference through it.

It is by no insignificant serendipity that the art of William Wolk (1951-2022) captures the rainbow essence of Seva Co-Founder, Wavy Gravy. The thread that ties Wolk and his wife Marie to our foundation is deep and meaningful. For nearly a quarter century, they have supported Seva as charitable donors and tireless advocates because of their personal conscious awareness and commitment to help people 'see' on so many levels.

In celebration of Wavy's 86th birthday and in support of the philanthropic work of the Seva Foundation, Wolk honors the playful spirit with vision, color, and a bit of joyful whimsey that is Wavy Gravy, in "Bubblicious" the final piece the artist completed prior to his passing this past May.

Not unlike the founders of Seva, William Wolk used his passion and artistic gifts to express his vision and bring his unique insight to the world through his inimitable art. It is fitting that this brilliant piece, filled with love and light, comes to us so that we can transform this 'energy' toward the work of our foundation through your generous auction bid this coming fall. All proceeds benefit our sight-restoration efforts – keep an eye out for more details.

Yours in gratitude,

Kate Moynihan
Executive Director
Seva Foundation

Marie Wolk
William Wolk Fine Art

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Seva at the UN during World Sight Week
3:30 PM15:30

Seva at the UN during World Sight Week

For the past year, Kate has participated in the UN Friends of Vision of which Seva is a financially supporting member. This group had a major set of events in New York in mid October at which Suzanne provided Seva representation. The lead events at UN headquarters were a formal roll out of the WHO Strategy for universal eye care through 2030 and a high level briefing on the indicators which are recommended by WHO to gauge progress on the 2030 plans. In addition, a launch event for In Sight 2030 entitled Love Your Eyes was held at the Japan Society with "TED-talk" style pithy presentations and a lot of engagement with members of UN delegations. The thrust throughout all of these events is to mainstream eye care into UN goals for Universal Health Care. 

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Conversations with Kate: Brighter Guatemala
3:00 PM15:00

Conversations with Kate: Brighter Guatemala

We stand at an important moment in history today - at the beginning of the end. The end of avoidable blindness. First in Guatemala, then across the world. And you are invited to be a part of this history (and future!) in the making!

“Guatemala Más Brillante” or “Brighter Guatemala,” developed in collaboration with our partner Visualiza & first supported by Vision For The Poor, is a first-of-its-kind plan to systematically eliminate avoidable blindness throughout Guatemala. We are positioned to achieve it in just ten years. Our work and plan has been vetted by leading scientists, experts, and in 2020 was named in the Top 10 list of MacArthur Foundation’s 100&Change solutions to change the world.

On September 29th, you’re invited to join Seva and our partners for a lively ‘Conversations with Kate’ discussion to learn more about the eye care needs of Guatemala, how our sustainable solutions will transform lives by preserving and restoring sight - and ways you can be a big part of it. This conversation will be hosted by none other than the esteemed journalist and Radio host, Rose Aguilar. Trust us, you’ll want to be there!

Come back here for a link to the session.

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Insight 2030
12:00 PM12:00

Insight 2030

Seva Co-sponsors hybrid global meeting

Insight 2030 Live! Building upon the progress of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight, Seva and allied organizational members of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness joined together for the first global strategy session in two years. Seva's support enabled the meeting to have a strong online, virtual component in addition to the in person meeting. 250 of the 500 participants tuned in from around the world, often representing programs that could not have afforded to send them all the way to Dubai for the meeting.

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Conversations with Kate: Prof. Muhammad Yunus - In Service of Bangladesh
8:30 PM20:30

Conversations with Kate: Prof. Muhammad Yunus - In Service of Bangladesh

Join me as I speak with Nobel Peace Prize Winner Professor Muhammad Yunus on March 3rd. It will no doubt be a special session of Conversations with Kate – In Service of Bangladesh: This Time Through Sight!

Professor Yunus is no stranger to sparking a movement. I know, first-hand, how decades ago he saw a need in Bangladesh to actively root people from poverty by empowering them as agents of their own change. He pioneered the blueprint for microfinance as we know it today, providing the tools to millions of people to lead their own lives. It is this idea that won him the coveted Nobel Prize.

Seva enjoys trusted and special history with Professor Yunus – who is both a lifelong supporter, and Seva ambassador. Professor Yunus was also our first partner in Bangladesh when we set up operations in 2006. Over the years, we've worked together to establish hospitals, perfect our training programs, and create sustainable systems of eye care throughout the country. In this conversation, we'll dive deep with Professor Yunus on how we're transforming millions of more lives in the country – this time through sight!

Click HERE to View the Recording

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  Seeing Solutions: Eye Examinations at the Point of Care to Reduce Mortality and Blindness in the Global Epidemic of HIV/AIDS
to Aug 24

Seeing Solutions: Eye Examinations at the Point of Care to Reduce Mortality and Blindness in the Global Epidemic of HIV/AIDS

Over 3,000 registered attendees
More than 500 speakers from around the world
130 technical sessions addressing global health topics in 13 tracks
5 in-depth featured sessions
4 plenaries featuring high-level speakers discussing essential global health topics
3 networking sessions

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GSI World Sight Day 2020 Discussion Series
to Oct 7

GSI World Sight Day 2020 Discussion Series

Seva is eliminating avoidable blindness by constantly growing our community of practice, sharing promising practices through access to clinical and non-clinical expertise, and adopting new approaches within an adaptable framework.

The Global Sight Initiative (GSI) is an international network of hospitals and international NGOs working together to develop and implement innovative, high-volume, high-quality, self-sustaining programs that preserve and restore sight. The GSI network comprises more than 120 mentor and mentee hospitals and clinics spanning the world; these numbers continue to grow year over year.

Each member in this network plays a pivotal role in reaching our common goal of eliminating preventable and curable blindness.

Check back here in early 2021 for an updated webpage with more details and resources for Global Sight Initiative members.

Day 1: Not business as usual: GSI beyond 2020

Day 2: Reimagining Remote Learning

Day 3: Technology: Reaching out to Everybody, Everywhere

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Seva's World Sight Day Quarantine Concert
to Oct 8

Seva's World Sight Day Quarantine Concert

Honoring Ram Dass with Seva's World Sight Day Quarantine Concert!
Features previously unreleased footage from Seva's 2017 Maui event honoring Ram Dass, as well as footage from Ram Dass's memorial held in San Francisco in January 2020.

The event was available for viewing October 3-8, 2020 on this webpage but has now concluded.

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Conversations With Kate: Spotlight on the Originals Livestream
9:00 AM09:00

Conversations With Kate: Spotlight on the Originals Livestream

  • 1786 Fifth Street Berkeley United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What better way to celebrate forty years of collective impact and service in the world than to get together and hear from a few of the Originals who started it all.  

Hear Suzanne Gilbert tell stories that span Seva’s 40-year history, experience the spiritual dimension of Seva with Girija Brilliant, reignite your compassion in action with Mirabai Bush and fill with joy and laughter as Jahanara Romney shares in the Seva history, and our culture. Join me as we celebrate the wisdom and kindness of these four visionaries who helped to shape Seva. 

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Cyber Tour of the New Impact Measurement Board Dashboard!
7:00 AM07:00

Cyber Tour of the New Impact Measurement Board Dashboard!

This is the first dashboard, and it took a lot of blood, sweat, and some tears. Join me as I walk through the dashboard and answer questions. This is your direct window into our impact, so join me for a 15-30 min cyber tour. Link to both AM and PM sessions.

Click here for the 7 AM morning session.

Click here for the 7:30 PM evening session.

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Conversation With Kate: Where We're Heading
7:00 AM07:00

Conversation With Kate: Where We're Heading

This is the second in a series of conversations with our donor community. In this session, I'll be joined by three representatives who work in the field: Dr. Samina for Infectious Disease and Quality Assurance; our talented Nepal staff member Parami, who will share an update on the work in Nepal; and Juan Francisco, CEO of Visualiza.

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BORN TO TALK RADIO SHOW, NON PROFITS Kate Moynihan, Exec. Dir. for the Seva Foundation
7:30 PM19:30

BORN TO TALK RADIO SHOW, NON PROFITS Kate Moynihan, Exec. Dir. for the Seva Foundation

It’s time for another episode of the Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast. On Monday, February 24th, from 1-2 PT my guest will be Kate Moynihan, Executive Director of the Seva Foundation. Let’s get to know Kate. To begin with, Kate Moynihan is a US national, seasoned social-good activist who has created and delivered social…

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Fall Board Meeting
to Oct 19

Fall Board Meeting

Seva Foundation's October 18-19 Board meeting will take place at Eaton Hall on the Campus of UC Berkeley (Friday) and the David Brower Center (Saturday). Details of the meeting agenda will be sent in the board packet 2-weeks prior to the meeting.

Friday’s meeting will begin at 9:00 with the Audit report and then open to full staff, friends and guests at 9:45 - 1:30. Friday morning includes the Avastin Learning Salon, Circle Share and Lunch. Friday afternoon will be the business meeting for the board.

Saturday’s session is work with the DEI and Governance consultant selected by the task force. You received a survey from the consultant that should be completed. Plan to spend the full day from 9AM-3:30PM in this customized experience.

The Board Meeting Packet will come to your email on Friday, October 4th. If you would prefer to get your packet in the mail contact Ruth Tamura at and request a ‘snail mail’ copy of the packet.

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Seva Synergy Learning Day
4:00 PM16:00

Seva Synergy Learning Day

8:30 AM – 6:30 PM

At the June 2019 board meeting staff and board had similar ideas to take advantage of the AAO in San Francisco as an opportunity to host a learning day.

Learning Day Theme and Keynote title - Real Change: Scaling to the Margins

Seva Synergy Series presents “Real Change: Scaling to the Margins” on October 17th, 2019.
Designed as a learning day for Seva board, staff, and advisory council members who will explore together the real issues associated with getting necessary care to overlooked populations across the globe. At present we are working to finalize the following topics:

Scaling to the margins in Guatemala - a conversation with Dr. Mariano Yee and Sarah Shannon

Tech, Talent, Treatment led by Daniel Friedman and Mike D'Ambrosio from Seva's newest partner IOptex

Care in Crisis: Reaching Refugees & Displaced Populations led by Jerry Vincent, Seva Foundation consultant, and Jacquelyn Jetton O'Banion

Leadership reflections by Dr. R D Thulasiraj and Dra. Lucia Silva

Kids - an investment for today and tomorrow by Dr. Levi Kandeke and Elizabeth Kishiki

Mindfulness led by Dr. Chundak Tenzing; HIV&AIDS: New implications on seeing and survival led by Dr. David Heiden and Dr. Olena Hurzhii.

Board members keen to explore this day-long learning and interactive session should plan to arrive in Berkeley by the morning of October 17th one full day before the board meeting.

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to Oct 14


The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) meeting is coming to town and we have three passes for board members. Action required of you if interested — let Ruth know by October 10th.

Additionally for those in town or close by — join us at a Seva-sponsored reception, Sunday evening October 13th from 7:00PM to 9:30PM at Union Square Hilton. No RSVP needed, simply come as you are.

To help make your decision easier about our offer for a day-pass to AAO we pulled out what we - as staff - feel are the must-see, read on:

Saturday, October 12

9AM to 12PM

SPE23 - Global Ophthalmology: An Emerging Field, Challenges and Pathways to Impact

12:15 to 1:45PM

SYM05 - Closing the Gender Gap in Global Eye Care: Data and Solutions

2PM to 3:30PM

SYM08 - The Current Evidence Guiding Global Ophthalmology Practices: Where Are We and How Should We Prepare to Advance the Global Evidence

Monday, October 14

8:30AM to 11AM

SYM31 - AI and ML: Promise and Purpose for Global Ophthalmology

Did we inspire you? Let Ruth know by October 10th if you would like to be among the several Board members receiving this special opportunity and the date you prefer.

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Dr. Marty Spencer - AAO's Unsung Hero Award recipient
10:30 AM10:30

Dr. Marty Spencer - AAO's Unsung Hero Award recipient

As part of the Academy’s 2020: Year of the Eye activities, they are featuring Unsung Heroes. These are ophthalmologists whose contributions to the profession have had a meaningful impact but have largely gone unnoticed by the broader ophthalmology community. With Marty's consent, he will be featured as an Unsung Hero through a campaign that includes a short video, website story, and social media posts.  

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World Sight Day Seva-wide Zoom Conference Call
8:00 AM08:00

World Sight Day Seva-wide Zoom Conference Call

I'm very pleased to invite you all for our second annual E-meet up taking place on World Sight Day - 10th October from 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM Pacific Time.

Grab a strong tea, cup of coffee or your favorite Seva T-shirt and join the call using the following Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 246 477 770

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,246477770# US (San Jose)

+19294362866,,246477770# US (New York)

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 246 477 770

Find your local number:

Our hope is to inspire each other, share our stories with each other and celebrate the noble mission we are all working toward.

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