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The American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting is coming to town!

The world's largest ophthalmology meeting will be on our doorstep at Moscone Center in San Francisco in under two weeks! The meeting attracts 25,000 ophthalmologists from all over the US and the world. Many Seva partners have been invited by AAO to give talks.

Seva offers to sponsor a one day pass for each of five Board members who are not already registered for the meeting.

Priority days due to their global eye health sessions are:

Saturday October 12

9AM to 12PM

SPE23 - Global Ophthalmology: An Emerging Field, Challenges and Pathways to Impact

12:15 to 1:45PM

SYM05 - Closing the Gender Gap in Global Eye Care: Data and Solutions

2PM to 3:30PM

SYM08 - The Current Evidence Guiding Global Ophthalmology Practices: Where Are We and How Should We Prepare to Advance the Global Evidence

Monday October 14

8:30AM to 11AM

SYM31 - AI and ML: Promise and Purpose for Global Ophthalmology

Please indicate by October 7 if you would like to be among the several Board members receiving this opportunity and the date you prefer.

Beyond the AAO sessions for which folks need passes, Everyone is invited to the INGO Reception which is co-hosted by Seva on Sunday evening October 13 from 7:00PM to 9:30PM at Union Square Hilton

Later Event: October 17
Seva Synergy Learning Day